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Off-Road Performance

At Serck Motorsport we are well renowned for our performance cooling systems for the competitive sectors throughout the racing world and also for the sports car and fast road markets, however in the last decade we have been working closely with various Off Road companies particularly for the Landrover Sector.

During this period we developed a High Performance Landrover Intercooler Range specifically designed for performance and durability. This was an evolution over a long period as we focused on both performance, strength and design. All the characteristics of Air Flow and Pressure Drop together with the durable design that separates our range from any other in the market place. This is because we have painstakingly used all of the knowledge and expertise of our cooling technology and utilised these key attributes into these Intercooler Ranges that have been continually developed over the years. In any design we are always working towards and improved state of performance, our cores are fully turbulated tubes that maximise the dissipation rate and minimise pressure drop, also we have developed flared entry and exit ports for maximum internal air flow spread across the whole core and not just the mid 60% of the core as we have seen in other designs. All of this and more has been designed to ensure the most efficient way to deliver the highest performance from our Intercoolers.

We are the leading supplier to the Landrover aftermarket specialists in the UK and have been for many years.

If you require any further information on these Intercoolers or any of our cooling system packages feel free to contact us for more information.